Must-reads for every entrepreneur
January 25, 2020

Entrepreneurs or the ‘business creators’ rise has contributed to the increasing internet connectivity and accessibility over the past decade. Though many credit the monetary gain as the indicator of an entrepreneur’s success, many of them genuinely enjoy the challenges the new ventures bring along. But along all these success talks and financial gains, entrepreneurs are significantly at risk of maintaining their good health. The days extend beyond 24 hours for them, and there needs to be a precise balance between normal life and business. This article presents you with some of the best books that any entrepreneurs should read. The books not only mention the ways to become a successful businessperson but also help you to strike the perfect balance of life and job
Top SEVEN books that any entrepreneurs must read
The Seven Habits of highly effective people by Stephen R Covey
The book “The seven habits of highly effective people” by Stephen R Covey deals with the values one must possess to become more efficient. Integrity, empathy, fairness and service are certain personality traits that are focused on in this book which the author believes is the right way of doing business. The seven habits mentioned in the book are : Proactiveness, clear goals, Scheduling your priorities, mutually benefitting approaches, empathy, Synergize and taking care of yourselves. Each point makes sense and the effectiveness of applying these habits decides your fate in the future. The book is recommended by many top executives who in their testimonials have showered praises.
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“The One Minute Manager “ by Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer John
The book comprises a short story that pays attention to the three effective techniques of a manager: one-minute goals, one-minute praising and one-minute reprimands. The methods are indeed worthy of being followed. The instant praise and instant corrections are what needed to manage a competent workforce. Some testimonials of successful entrepreneurs who manage remote workforces have found this book quite useful. It is a must-read book for the ones who want their managerial styles to be fixed.
“How to win friends and influence people” by Dale Carnegie
The book published in the year of 1936, is an excellent self-help book written by Dale Carnegie. The ideas mentioned in the book are excerpts of Carnegie’s 14-week long course for human relation and public speaking. The importance of winning people, increasing your popularity, making others follow your thoughts, how to become a better salesperson, the ways to handle complaints and avoiding arguments, and how to become a better speaker: are the major takeaway from this book. The qualities can improve your personality as a good listener and communicator while being always pleasant. An entrepreneur must possess people skill to earn more customers.
“Choose Yourself” by James Altucher
An excellent read that can motivate any entrepreneur to build an enterprise even from scratch. The book is based on the author’s own heartbreaking and inspiring story. He mentions the importance of choosing oneself above all adversities. After all, we are in an era where new digital tools and platforms can ‘help’ us to build our empire without external help.
“The hard things about hard things” by Ben Horowitz
Collection of anecdotes and business lessons amplified with the lyrics of his favourite songs, Ben Horowitz, has created a marvellously honest book that takes you through the hard realities of a corporate world. The book is a must-read for emerging entrepreneurs which gives them plenty of practical advice to deal with the tough decisions that the business schools don’t cover. It is the most recommended book for any CEO.
“Traction” by Gino Wickman
Traction is an excellent read for the entrepreneurs to strengthen their ability to understand the business and six-point tips that can be applied to any industry. The six-point tips can lead the readers to run your company with more growth, focus, and enjoyment. Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) mentioned in the book is a practical method for achieving success in your business.
“The four hour work week” by Tim Ferriss
This book is a know-how of how a work can be done smartly and not necessarily harder. A perfect book for young entrepreneurs who believe in the mantra of working smarter. All through the book, Ferriss teaches the readers to work effectively in less time, outsource the task for cheap labour, the importance of short breaks, the need to cultivate the habit of selective ignorance and the management secrets for remote control CEOs.
The books mentioned above are excellent reads for any entrepreneur or the ones in the making. Please make sure that you go through them to have a motivating life ahead.